Figure Drawing - Another Exercise in Humility

I signed up for figure drawing class not because I have an interest in drawing (I don’t really), but because I am pathetically slow at sketching subjects to paint. This class focused on blocking-in the figure, in other words, reducing the live model to a series of blocks.

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Biohacking is for everyone and no one

As an employee at a West Coast tech company, I hear about biohacking a lot. My colleagues talk about diets, like keto and Whole30, every time we go to lunch. They debate which is best for burning fat or clearing brain fog. Someone invariably brings up intermittent fasting (and suddenly it makes sense why their plate is piled 3-meals high).

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Phone Shaming

The school playground behind my apartment is empty except for a father and his children. Two of the kids are on bikes and one’s on a scooter. All are very wobbly.

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