Novice Negotiation

I engaged in a negotiation of sorts this week. Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with the outcome. I didn’t get exactly what I wanted, but I got something close to it. (Wouldn’t say I split the difference). A few takeaways from the experience are:

Don’t be afraid to ask for time to consider an offer (e.g., if you need to think about it or feel pressured). Don’t ask for more after you have assented. Once your counterparty has it in their head that you are in agreement, they are less likely to consider additional demands.
Don’t take it personally. The counterparty probably isn’t. They won’t remember you (and if they do, it’s probably for a good reason). The “negotiating you” isn’t the same person you are around friends and family. Different situations call for different hats and this is one of them.

I’m not eager to negotiate again any time soon (well, aside from the negotiating that I have to do as part of my job). But, I also feel ready, should the need arise.
